Friday, February 4, 2011

Okay so,

Starting a new blog yet again, people.

Now, just hold on before you start asking a million questions in your head like, "doesn't this girl already have like two blogs or something?" Well, yes, this girl does. But! It makes sense, I promise. Since I have recently put up an official website for my photography (which you should visit,, I find it unnecessary to have both a website and a blog for photography.

SO, I'm making a personal blog for ALL things fun that Anna Lee Kicker does: photography, crafting, designing clothes (i'm a newby, don't make fun), baking and cooking (um...halp!), and creating outfits from your wardrobe that don't cost an arm and a leg.

And then your next question is, "didn't you already have a 'personal blog?'" Well yes, yes I did. But ladies and gentlemen (if any gentlemen read this), it's a NEW DAY. Time to bust away from the old and swing into the new! Is that a real phrase? I don't know, I think I just made it up. Anyway, you know what I'm getting at.

So without further ado (yes, that's really how its spelled. I had to look it up too), I give to you my new blog,

These Threads of Mine



  1. Hi there!

    I came across your blog because I was googling myself- haha. Just thought I'd say hello, since we have the same name and love for photography, among other similarities! Crazy!

    My blog is if you ever want to swing by and check it out!

    Anna Lee

  2. This is a really delayed response, but awesome!! Love your blog!
